Canon και Getty Images δηλώνουν παρόν στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα IAAF της Μόσχας

Canon και Getty Images δηλώνουν παρόν στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα IAAF της Μόσχας

Με ανακοίνωση τους η Canon και το πρακτορείο Getty Images δηλώνουν παρόν στο Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα IAAF της Μόσχας, το οποίο αρχίζει αύριο. Μέχρι τις 18 Αυγούστου οι δύο κολοσσοί του φωτογραφικού χώρου θα καλύψουν τις προσπάθειες των αθλητών, με σκοπό να μεταφέρουν εκπληκτικές εικόνες σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Ακολουθεί το δελτίο τύπου:
Canon and Getty Images focus on the IAAF World Championships in Moscow
LONDON, 8 August 2013 – Canon Europe, a world-leader in imaging solutions, and Getty Images, the premier creator and distributor of award-winning photography, video and music worldwide, will unite to provide imaging excellence at the IAAF World Championships in Moscow from 10-18 August 2013. Through Canon’s role as Official Partner of the IAAF World Athletics Series and Getty Images’ role as Official Photographers to the IAAF, the two companies will help to shine a spotlight on the athletes from around the world competing in Moscow.
Photographers shoot the August 2011 IAAF World Championships in Daegu, South Korea.
(Photo: Michael Steele/Getty Images)
Jacco Leurs, Head of Professional Imaging, Canon Europe, comments: “As an official partner of the IAAF World Athletics Series, we are looking forward to witnessing great sporting moments at the World Athletics Championships. Many of the most exhilarating images from Moscow will be taken by the award-winning roster of Getty Images sports photographers and we are thrilled that the entire Getty Images team has chosen to use Canon equipment to capture the most memorable moments in Moscow.”
Lee Martin, Senior Vice President, Sport, Getty Images, comments: “Getty Images is proud to partner with Canon to deliver the powerful imagery and unrivalled perspective we are known for. We are very pleased to be the Official Photographers to the IAAF and look forward to capturing and communicating the intense and thrilling global competition in Moscow in August.”
For both Canon and Getty Images, it’s important that fans across the world share in the passion and excitement of sporting events through compelling and powerful imagery. In line with this vision, Canon will provide behind-the-scenes support at the Canon Professional Service centre on-site to the Getty Images team and other accredited professional sports photographers covering the event. Services include technical support and advice, repair and maintenance services, as well as loans of the latest Canon EOS system camera and lens equipment to ensure that photographers are able to continue shooting.
Getty Images is the official partner to more than 50 sports governing bodies, leagues and clubs, including the International Olympic Committee, National Hockey League, NBA, FIFA, UEFA, Manchester United and many other English premier league clubs. Getty Images photographers have covered every moment of every IAAF World Championship since their inaugural competition in 1983 in Helsinki. The company also supports the IAAF Photography Assistance Program, which documents competitors from developing nations that are unable to send a media delegation to the championships.
Canon is an Official Partner of the IAAF World Athletics Series from 2013 to 2016. As well as sponsoring the IAAF World Championships in Moscow this August, Canon will sponsor a total of 15 IAAF World Athletics Series events, including the IAAF World Championships in Beijing, China, scheduled for August 2015.



Canon Getty Images


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